Jonathan Hoenig is the portfolio manager at Capitalistpig Hedge Fund LLC, a highly successful private partnership that he has run since 2000. A former floor trader at the Chicago Board of Trade, he authored several books, with his most recent book, Price is Primary, published in 2021. Mr. Hoenig appears regularly on FOX News Channel and has written for several publications including the Wall Street Journal Europe, Wired, Trader Monthly, and He was named one of Crain's "Forty Under Forty," and is a member of the Economic Club of Chicago, as well as a proponent of Ayn Rand's philosophy-objectivism.
Join Jonathan as he challenges the status quo of investing. By exploring the world of alternative investments far beyond the S&P 500, you can build a truly diversified portfolio that can thrive in any market environment. A Fox News contributor, former floor-trader, and professional money manager, Hoenig will help you learn how toidentify overlooked opportunities and generate absolute returns in this engaging talk.
Join professional investor and Fox Business contributor Jonathan Hoenig to debunk the myth that active investing is gambling. Learn how to identify opportunities, manage risk, and make informed investment decisions. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this workshop will provide you with fundamental knowledge and tools to better your odds.